Healing and Therapy with Henry Schwab
Henry helps you to be calm, relaxed and in control. A calm and relaxed person is a more balanced person, balanced on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
The more relaxed you are the better you feel, the better you feel the more you allow your self to relax and find the silence within.
To learn to understand and accept your self is one of the first steps to improve your well being and heal your self.
Once acceptance with your self is achieved and your questions begin to look beyond your answers all necessary changes are easy and fun, you begin to know.
Henry has been working with anxiety, addictions, childhood abuse, eating disorders, fears and phobias, depression and a wide range of psychosomatic illnesses for many years. His ability to listen, to support and guide are highly regarded by everyone who has met him.
Henry offers a safe place for change and to reconnect with your self.
As Energy Healer Henry combines Reiki and Seichem and his experience in chacra and aura healing, as certified EFT practitioner he offers fast and reliable relief of emotional and mental stress and as clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist Henry offers a variety of ways to support , guide and heal.
Henry is a Reiki & Seichem Master(Tera Mai), qualified in Psychology (M.A.), clinical Psychotherapy and clinical Hypnotherapy ( Dip. Psych. / Hyp., Advanced Dip. Psych. / Hyp.) and a certified EFT practitioner ( AAMET ).
Learn to understand and accept your self. To know your self is all there is to know.
The more relaxed you are the better you feel, the better you feel the more you allow your self to relax and find the silence within.
To learn to understand and accept your self is one of the first steps to improve your well being and heal your self.
Once acceptance with your self is achieved and your questions begin to look beyond your answers all necessary changes are easy and fun, you begin to know.
Henry has been working with anxiety, addictions, childhood abuse, eating disorders, fears and phobias, depression and a wide range of psychosomatic illnesses for many years. His ability to listen, to support and guide are highly regarded by everyone who has met him.
Henry offers a safe place for change and to reconnect with your self.
As Energy Healer Henry combines Reiki and Seichem and his experience in chacra and aura healing, as certified EFT practitioner he offers fast and reliable relief of emotional and mental stress and as clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist Henry offers a variety of ways to support , guide and heal.
Henry is a Reiki & Seichem Master(Tera Mai), qualified in Psychology (M.A.), clinical Psychotherapy and clinical Hypnotherapy ( Dip. Psych. / Hyp., Advanced Dip. Psych. / Hyp.) and a certified EFT practitioner ( AAMET ).
Learn to understand and accept your self. To know your self is all there is to know.
Healing Words

Click Play to listen
I see my mind at ease
My breathing I watch
Thoughts are coming and going
My breathing I watch
There is nothing to do now
My breathing I watch
There is nobody to care for
My breathing I watch
I see my mind smiling
My breathing I watch
And notice inner peace
With every breath caressing me
My breathing I watch
Thoughts are coming and going
My breathing I watch
There is nothing to do now
My breathing I watch
There is nobody to care for
My breathing I watch
I see my mind smiling
My breathing I watch
And notice inner peace
With every breath caressing me